Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Video game violence

This article talks about video game violence. What i got form reading this article is that yes they seem to think video games can increase aggression/violence a little but not to the extent of murdering someone or going anything that far. it has such little impact that it really doesn't change much.  it also says in the article that it is even less with normal exposure to violence, it is only with people who are prone to violence or exposed to it often that it makes more aggressive. i think this is mostly related to the observational learning theory. you could learn from playing or watching these games but like i said before they generally dont have enough effect to cause drastic damage.i think with like the game of call of duty yes you are killing people but i don't think you really think in your head okay im gonna go kill these people who have a family that cares about them. its generally these are my enemies this is what i have to do to protect my home and my family. its just how it works.

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