Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Rock & Rap media violence.

At the beginning of the article, the experiments turned out that yes it was more aggressive when watching aggressive music videos. then they did an experiment and it showed that it somewhat varied depending on the person much like the reinforcement theory where you don't just look at what they are watching and how it effects them from that perspective, but also their background and how it contributes in with the violence or aggression. I think that yes they accomplished what they wanted, because they wanted to know the results from these experiments. some may not have came out in the way that they thought but they still got interesting information from it. i think that they need to retry this study considering how fast we have come with technology and just grown in general. the data may come out the same but many of these study's were done in the 90's i think it would be beneficial to have them done again. when they did the experiment on sexual violence/aggression they were very shocked to find out that some of it came from classical music. obviously they were thinking that these characteristics could only come from rock or rap when they actually came from both. I think that in a way that proves it's not just the song genre, it's also the person, and in my opinion the majority of it is the person and how their thought process works. also in the experiment conducted by johnson, jackson, and gatto they only used african-american males. to get the full data from the experiment they should have had a variety of different ethnicity's and both male and female. i don' t see how they could possibly get all the information needed with only one gender, and one ethnicity. yes they did keep the age level close in age but they also could have made another experiment with another age group to compare the two and see if they related in any way. I feel like this experiment was  in one way accurate with how some of the experiments were set up and completed, but then again not as accurate as it should be with the way some of the experiments were done with the gender, ethnicity, and not all of them looked at the individuals background which plays a very important role when testing someone on acts of aggression or violence like this. There were a lot of things that were not done well or thought out completely like they should have been.

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