Thursday, April 4, 2013

fake donation website

How do you combat this sort of fraud?
   ~ I don't think there are really any ways to 100% stop this kind of fraud from happening. people do need to pay more attention to where they donate their money and make sure that it is going to a legit charity. also the charities that are real should have something one the website showing that they are real that other people can't get to without going through something to get it where people would make sure they are really using the money for the charity or reason they say they are.

Are the people who do this evil?
     ~ I don't know if i would say they are "evil", but it's definitely wrong. they need to be punished for doing it, and it needs to be stopped and yes it is a bad thing to do and most people would consider them to be bad people, some would consider them not bad people but rather people who just did a bad thing... either way it's wrong but i wouldn't take as far as them being evil. evil to me would be like killing a baby or something along those lines; something extreme. not that this isn't a really bad thing because it is, it's just not necessarily on that level.

Is this becoming acceptable behavior in society?
   ~ I don't think it's acceptable but some people might see it that way. a lot of more people are doing it now than how much it used to be. but i don't think people view it as acceptable they just do it and hope to get away with it, i would imagine most of them would know that it's wrong and unacceptable.

2nd six weeks vocabulary

Word in context
Definition in own words
Memory Aid

Penny seems Confounded when talking to Sheldon.
Being confused.
Being confused when listening to Sheldon on big bang theory
“hispanic media effects article” retrieved from
The therapist is trying to desensitize her phobias of bridges
Try and Reduce
Used in Therapy of phobias
“hispanic media effects article” retrieved from
Mallie was substandard in her Spanish class.
Below standard
Below average in testing. (my sat scores)
“hispanic media effects article” retrieved from
They had a contrived plan to attack
Planed out, a forced plan
War, fighting
“hispanic media effects article” retrieved from
Sally wasn’t paying attention to where she was walking and knocked samy’s food tray all over him
Not paying attention
All the accident’s that I cause by being clumsy
“hispanic media effects article” retrieved from
Jack’s disease was not manifested.
Not being seen
Cancer not showing up at first
“Albert Einstein” retrieved from
Brandy and brady were told to stand juxtaposition to compare their growth in height.
Standing side by side for comparison
Being measured by standing next to someone
“Albert Einstein” retrieved from
There is an atrophy of goodness.
Wasting away
Fading away
“Albert Einstein” retrieved from
They are doing the act of coitis
“Big  bang Theory” from TBS
Subsequent to going to the park jane took Katie and nick to get some icecream.
After. Like after an event
Being late.
“hispanic media effects article” retrieved from
She is applicable to sign up
Applying, ready to apply
Filling out an application form
“hispanic media effects article” retrieved from
They followed the methodological order.
System of methods; rules.
Science experiment
“hispanic media effects article” retrieved from
The car is adequate to what we want.
Right at the requirement
Searching for cars
“hispanic media effects article” retrieved from
Can you  please fill out this questionnaire
Survey; list of questions.
“hispanic media effects article” retrieved from
I have empathy for you
Understanding how someone feels.
Opposite of sympathy
“hispanic media effects article” retrieved from
What is the covariate in the experiment?
Observed but not manipulated; can effect outcome.
Science experiments

“hispanic media effects article” retrieved from
Put a substantial amount of sugar in the tea.
Big amount
“hispanic media effects article” retrieved from
He is a very nice comported little boy.
To behave
Little kids
“hispanic media effects article” retrieved from
He is acting very rigorous today.
“NY Times” retrieved from
The puppy is growing at a cumulative rate.
“NY Times” retrieved from
That song is very degrading to women
Rap songs
“..Rap and Rock Provoke Violence..” retrieved from
There was a slight vignette design in the wallpaper.
Decorative design
“..Rap and Rock Provoke Violence..” retrieved from
He met conventional standards
Ordinary; accepted standards
“..Rap and Rock Provoke Violence..” retrieved from
She was being misogynous to the other little kids
Showing hatred
Being mean
“..Rap and Rock Provoke Violence..” retrieved from
He compensated all the money
Be equivalent; to make up
To give back
“..Rap and Rock Provoke Violence..” retrieved from
Sandy was refractory as a child
Impossible to manage
Drives you crazy
“visualizing Psychology” Mrs. Rader
He is going to have a lobotomy tomorrow
Cutting into brain or lung.
“visualizing Psychology” Mrs. Rader
The maladaptive behavior of children was difficult to change.
Pertaining to
“visualizing Psychology” Mrs. Rader
The conformity of the church was met.
Social standards
Being proper
“visualizing Psychology” Mrs. Rader
They gave him acetylcholine to help his muscles move
Chemical that causes muscle action
Being in a hospital and learning to walk again.
“visualizing Psychology” Mrs. Rader

Friday, March 15, 2013

peer review awareness paper

Conde peer reviewed my paper. she says, in the intro paragraph change the word a lot, to many. reword binge drinking sentence. Conde pointed out the grammar mistakes in my paper, along with some bad wording, transitions, and citations. these have all been changed in my paper

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Globally Competent Student

Is it important to be globally competent? why or why not?
     I guess it's kind of important to be globally competent because i think it could be a great benefit. the word i would use is good. i think it is good to be globally competent because of the ways it can improve your skills on communication, and how you view things and other cultures. However i don't think you need to be necessarily fluent in several other languages, if you wanna be or can be that's fantastic but in my opinion knowing enough of a foreign language to make out what people say and be able to respond enough to where they get the idea of what your saying it good enough to me.

do you agree that these are the only qualities in order to be globally competent? why or why not?
      No i don't think these are the only qualities in order to be globally competent, yes these qualities are very important and great, but i would think you need more that just 5 basic qualities to be globally competent.

if you would add or subtract "characteristics of the globally competent student," what would they be? why or why not?
          I would leave in the part about needing to know foreign language, but i would say you only need to be able to understand one, you don't have to be close to fluent in 5 other languages unless you just really want to be. i also don't think it's necessary to work overseas... again, if it's what you want then great, go for it. but i don' t see why you really need to work overseas.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

This i believe, Albert Einstein

Do you agree with the author?
  i guess i somewhat agree with what is said in this article, but i still don't fully understand it.

Is there anything about the author that might be influencing these positions?
   I think one of the things that might be influencing is the fact that he is Jewish. In my opinion another was his wording, it made it very hard, but look and seem very smart.

How does the author support his positions?
    He supports his positions by backing them up with different scenarios and opinions. He makes it more believable because of the fact that he is trying to explain something that no one understands. Even he doesn't completely understand the subject he was talking about.

Thursday, February 28, 2013


Do you agree with the statements in this article?
    ~ I agree with the majority of the statements in this article. the only ones i can't say i completely agree with are the ones about volunteering decreases depression, and helps you physically. the physical part i can see if what your volunteering for involves physical activity. but i'm not sure about the depression part and the only reason i do not completely agree with these are because i don't know much about it.

if there are so many benefits and it is so helpful and wonderful, why do more people not take part in community service?
   ~ I think one of the major reasons people don't take part in community service is because a lot of people are just to lazy and don't feel like spending their time in doing it.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Media Violence, primarily Hispanic viewers.

I think this article is better that the one that we read yesterday, at the beginning they tell you that they had people watch a violent and non-violent video then they watched videos of real situations and fake ones. the test showed that even the ones that had watched a violent video it didn't decrease their empathy for the real life situations. that's how they got the answer that we are more empathetic if it's real and something we can relate to. i feel like the experiment with the children watching something violent and non-violent could be done a little further for a more accurate result, because their result said the children could have thought that a certain amount of violence was okay since the adults had told them to watch it. Another reason i think this article is better is because one some of the experiments they re-conducted them to see if there was any difference. though the difference may have been very slight to none at all at least they are making sure the studies are accurate instead of just doing them once and saying that's how it always is. i think their experiments that they did in this article were more thorough than the others.